• IEEE ISCSET 2024 - 17th to 19th July 2024

Call for Contributions

Submit a research paper or poster and benefit from the discussions and insights of the symposium.

How can I participate?


IEEE ISCSET 2024 will be held from 17th to 19th July 2024 in Laubusch, Germany

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Accepted and presented papers will be published in the symposium proceedings. And the IEEE ISCSET 2024 proceedings will be send to IEEE Xplore® digital library which is indexed by Scopus.

More information

Who’s behind?

We are a team of international scientists striving to deliver a great conference

About us

IEEE ISCSET 2024 takes place from 17th to 19th July 2024 in Laubusch, Germany
Submission deadline: March 01, 2024 April 07, 2024 (extended)

Benefit from International Collaboration

IEEE ISCSET is the result of a world-wide collaboration of partner universities and research departments. Due to this we provide a broad spectrum of knowledge for selected fields of computer science and education technology.

Open For Your Contribution

Read the Call For Papers now and submit your work to join the conference as a presenter.

Your Research in the Focus

As IEEE ISCSET is a medium-sized symposium you can be sure to get great feedback on your work and a multitude of possibilites for discussion and networking. You won’t be lost.

Join a Great Community

Due to our international partners we attract participants from all around the globe. Many researchers have become regulars at our annual event building up a great community.

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Steffen Becker
Steffen Becker

Professor of Software quality and architecture, University of Stuttgart, Germany, Germany

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Vernaleken
Christoph Vernaleken

Senior Expert Flight Deck and Human Factors, Deutsche Aircraft GmbH, Germany

Prof. Haibin Wu
Haibin Wu

Vice Chairman of the Electromagnetic Measurement Information Processing Instrument Branch of the China Instrumentation Society, China


The International Symposium on Computer Science and Educational Technology (IEEE ISCSET) event began with a summer school between two universities in 2011. From year to year, the event attracted more universities and established partnerships between universities from Mongolia, Germany, Russia, and China in 2014. Later, the summer school was extended to a symposium level. Many participants of our previous event still keep in contact with us, and we enjoy following their personal and career development.

Learn more about the history of ISCSET
Submit your research or join as regular visitor.

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